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A day in the Hidden Paradise 🌊🌴

Over the holidays, I spent my days in savusavu (it was boring for the most part cuz all my cousins were out if the country). But, there was one thing that I did that was worth it 🙂 Here are some pics that I took when I went on that boat trip😊 ✨ᨏᨐᨓ𝑆𝑈𝑁𝑆𝐸𝑇 𝐶𝐻𝐸𝐶𝐾ᨓᨐᨏ✨ .ғɪɴɪᴛᴏ

The day I got locked out in our laundry 🥲

It was a quiet Thursday morning in my neighborhood. My dad’s gone to work, my sister at school. And me…I was at home…sick. Before dad had left, he put up some chores for me to do later. I woke up at around 9 and had cooked me some breaky. After I got to my chores,…


I love karate I train 4 times a week, its tiring but worth it.

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