The day I got locked out in our laundry 🥲

It was a quiet Thursday morning in my neighborhood. My dad’s gone to work, my sister at school. And me…I was at home…sick.

Before dad had left, he put up some chores for me to do later. I woke up at around 9 and had cooked me some breaky. After I got to my chores, and one of them was to go to the back and hang some clothes out.

(Mind you that the laundry door only has a handle in the inside and not the outside, so when that door gets closed….your stuck outside till someone opens it from inside of the house.)

Around 11, I decided to go hang clothes I. The laundry. As I was putting clothes in the basket, I heard a slam coming from where the door was. Before I could even look at what I heard I paused for a moment, and hoped that it’s not what think it is. I finaly turned around and……..I was stuck outside the laundry.

I did not have my phone on me, it was in the house, my neighbor has gone to work, and on top of that, it was 11 in the morning. And my dad comes home to drop my sister off at like 3 in the afternoon.

So there I was, in the laundry for 4 hours straight. No food, no water, and the most important thing of all…NO PHONE. I though I was gonna go mad because I was starting to talk to myself as if I’m mentally ill 😫

Hours had passed and dad finally came home……all he could do was laugh… dad. The amount of times I cried while i was stuck outside….I’m not even gonna mention it. And there were chores that still needed to be done.😭😭😭😭😭😭

2 responses to “The day I got locked out in our laundry 🥲”

  1. Ouch!

    So to make this blog work in this ‘self reflective learning blog’, what did you learn from this?

    I know you’re going to say ‘Don’t allow myself to get locked out’ but that’s not really an answer since I am sure that you didn’t intend to allow yourself the possibility to get locked out in the first place – right – right?

    I don’t have a right answer but I definitely feel you pain (errr perhaps because I know someone who looks a lot like me who’s done similar things!), but other than being upset with the situation – have you thought about what you could do differently that would not make you get locked out? Possible solutions might be:

    1. Hide a spare key somewhere that is not obvious (please not under the mat) for just such occasions?
    2. When at home, always leave an alternative route back into the house available, it might be a window – just remember to close/lock it afterwards?
    3. Create an outside space that you can just hang out there if you are ever locked out, eg access to mosquito repellent, a reading book, a garden seat, torch (in case it’s at night).

    In this is when you are at home, but sure as turkey’s as eaten at Thanksgiving in the US, you’re going to be in that situation again (maybe because I know someone who looks a lot like me who’s done this multiple times!!!!), so always good to not waste the experience.

    I feel you frustration (maybe because, oh dang it I’ve done that line to death now right – right?).


    1. Noted✅️ thanks Robin😄


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